Fire Risk &
Hazard Trees

How it works

Understanding Fire Threats

Wildfires pose a significant threat to infrastructure and communities; our services focus on early detection and effective risk management


Utilize detailed mapping to identify fire-prone areas and hazard trees, ensuring prioritized and effective management


Assess the potential impact of identified risks to infrastructure and nearby communities, providing a foundation for mitigation strategies


Develop tailored strategies that address specific vulnerabilities, enhancing overall safety and preparedness

How it works

Advanced Detection Systems

Our integration of cutting-edge technology and data analytics offers unmatched precision in fire risk assessment and hazard tree identification

  • Multispectral
  • High resolution satellite data for weekly monitoring and detection of fire hazards
  • Analytics
  • Data-driven analytics provide deep insights into vegetation health and fire potential
  • Visualization
  • Dynamic visualization tools display risk areas and hazard zones for efficient decision-making

How it works

Ensuring Community Safety

Our solutions not only protect infrastructure but also enhance community resilience against the threat of wildfires

Risk Management

Leverage our comprehensive fire risk and hazard tree mapping services to safeguard your assets and the surrounding community from the devastating effects of wildfires.

  • Proactive fire risk mapping
  • Hazard tree identification
  • Vegetation health monitoring
  • Customized mitigation plans
  • Intuitive data visualization

By partnering with us, you ensure continued vigilance and proactive management of wildfire risks, significantly reducing potential damage and customer outages.

Innovation Meets Your Infrastructure Needs With

“Echospectra’s fire risk and hazard tree service has helped us exceed our targets for vegetation management without increasing our budget. Highly recommend their services!”

Transmission Manager

Consumer-Controlled Electric Cooperative, Arizona

Hazard Trees

Fire Potential

Frequently Asked Questions

How frequently can you monitor corridors from space?

We can monitor corridors on a quarterly, monthly, or weekly basis. High cadence space-based monitoring brings near-realtime information to your team so you can operate with the most up to date information.

What is the smallest change you can detect?

We evaluate change from a few different signals. In the context of satellite imagery, we can reliably detect change on areas measuring about 20 feet per side. This is about the size of a large tree canopy, or a moderate sized shed. We look for changes in tree health and for new structures in and along your right of ways so you can queue the appropriate response. Sometimes this is ground inspection, others it might be aerial patrol.

How do you asses fire risk?

Our platform combines multiple data sources to deliver a fire risk assessment that is uniquely accurate and specific to your assets. The base assessment is derived from satellite imagery that delivers key insight to vegetation type, health, dryness, and fuel load. Then, we combine that with local wind and weather data. This allows us to apply a risk index to your assets and alert you to any changes in risk exposure.

Can this help me get fire insurance coverage?

Yes, our product is designed to help you secure and maintain fire insurance coverage. We collaborate with clients to implement proven fire risk management processes. Our system provides clear insights into fire risk areas, allowing your team to execute targeted fire risk abatement plans effectively. By reducing fire risks and maintaining comprehensive documentation, we help you get lower insurance premiums and better coverage terms.

Will this reduce our insurance premiums?

Yes, we have experience working with some of the largest mutual insurance companies providing coverage to the energy industry. We have successfully helped clients keep coverage in the face of uncertain liability exposure, prevented premium increases by demonstrating a best in class asset documentation and audit assurance tool, and reduced premiums by helping our clients exceed insurance providers’ KPI targets.

Does this require IT infrastructure and management?

No, our platform is fully cloud-based and adheres to strict data security standards set by AICPA, Cloud Security Alliance, ISO 27001, NERC, and CISA. However, if you prefer to deploy any part of the service on your local infrastructure, we can accommodate that and work with your team to ensure a smooth setup.

Do I need a data science team to use this product?

No, a data science team is not required, but if you have one, they will love it. Our product is designed to help your organization focus on its core functions, i.e., keeping the lights on, while we provide data-driven intelligence for quicker, more informed decisions. Additionally, we offer a RESTful API, allowing your data science team to interact with the data programmatically as well.

What does Echospectra mean!?

Echospectra is a portmanteau reflecting key aspects of our service. “Echo” represents both digital twins, and active sensing methods to model the world around us. “Spectra” refers to the radiance, frequency, and energy data we specialize in. Together, Echospectra embodies our mission to provide next-generation geospatial intelligence for protecting critical infrastructure.

Get in touch with us

Have more questions or need specific details about how Echospectra can address your unique challenges? Fill out our contact form to get personalized assistance. Let’s start a conversation on how we can help you enhance your infrastructure safety and efficiency with our innovative solutions.

Contact Us

More Services

Additional services to enhance your infrastructure’s safety and efficiency

GeoIntelligence Services

Data analysis and visualization solutions to proactively and reliably support your specific business requirements.

Incident Verification Services

Measure impact, facilitate recovery, and support claims using detailed analysis and visual insights.

Unauthorized Attachments

Efficiently identify unauthorized attachments to secure assets and recover lost revenue.

Fire Risk and Hazard Trees

Multispectral and spatiotemporal analysis to identify vegetation risk for proactive and directed fire risk abatement.